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Detects tables in an image and returns the precise coordinate points of the detected table, while accurately extracting and redrawing the entire table to preserve its structure. The model identifies the coordinates of each individual cell and performs Optical Character Recognition (OCR) on each cell separately to capture the data effectively.


Computer vision models- Yolo, Microsoft Tatr, Tablenet (based on OpenCV). OCR models- Pytesseract, Paddle-OCR, Easy-OCR, DocTR

Technical Details:

  • Gradio UI for table detection.
  • Compares YOLO, Microsoft TATR, and Tablenet for detection.
  • YOLO detects tables in images, returning coordinates and confidence scores for each detected table. TATR analyzes table structures and outputs the coordinates and confidence scores for table components.
  • Tablenet utilizes OpenCV independently for image preprocessing, enhancing table detection accuracy by adjusting image properties.
  • Returns cropped detected tables with confidence scores.
  • Table images are extracted into CSV format.
  • Cells in the table image are cropped using coordinates from the Tablenet method.
  • OCR is performed on each cell using Pytesseract, Paddle-OCR, Easy-OCR, and DocTR, returning the best OCR output based on the confidence score.
  • With the cell coordinates and their OCR outputs, a Pandas DataFrame is created and converted into CSV.

Potential Use Cases:

  • Document digitization for automated data entry.
  • Automated report generation from tables in research papers.
  • Content extraction from financial statements for analysis.
  • Academic research data extraction from publications.