React Testing Library (RTL) derives from best practices in software testing and builds on top of them. While Writing a good test case is crucial for any testing framework, RTL emphasizes a particular approach: it tests behavior rather than implementation.
RTL focuses on whether or not the software works the way it's supposed to; the way the code is written can change and as long as the software is behaving according to the specification the tests will still pass.
RTL finds elements by accessibility markers and not by test IDs. Accessibility markers are screen readers and other assistive technologies that would find your elements instead of test IDs. This helps in benchmarking your software as being Accessible.
While doing tests without using a browser, we need a simulated DOM, RTL makes that simulated DOM for us which helps us perform user interactions like clicking a button, etc.
RTL is generally used using either Jest or a new testing framework called Vitest. Now are you wondering what the heck are these? These are called test runners, their job is to find the test, run the test and determine whether the test has passed or failed.
We will be implementing RTL using Vitest instead of Jest. For your information, Vitest and Jest have no syntax differences. The only difference is the setups and the initial configuration and some minor differences when dealing with advanced syntax. So if you are familiar with Jest API you will find the interoperability and transition to Vitest very easy.
Check more about why Vitest is preferred. Vitest is:
Philosophy: Write a test before you write the code.
"Tdd is a great excuse to think about the problem before you think about the solution" - Kent Beck
Why Test-Driven Development (TDD)?
Test-Driven Development (TDD) vs. Behavior-Driven Development (BDD) - where does RTL fall in this?
If “WE” only have to develop – Go TDD
If there are varied amounts of roles, stakeholders - Go for BDD
For RTL, we don’t have any explicit parameters, roles, QAs, groups, etc which BDD follows. It is developers only so TDD is the way to go.
I firmly believe that Test-Driven Development (TDD) is where RTL truly shines. TDD's core principle of writing tests before code fits perfectly with RTL's philosophy of testing components from the user's perspective.
By writing tests first, developers are forced to think about how their components will be used and interacted with, ensuring that the resulting code is both functional and user-friendly. This approach naturally leads to cleaner, more maintainable code because it prioritizes the user's experience right from the start.
Unlike BDD, which often gets bogged down in verbose specifications and stakeholder jargon. TDD with RTL is straightforward and developer-centric, allowing for rapid iteration and immediate feedback. This makes it an ideal choice for fast-paced development environments where delivering high-quality, user-focused features quickly is paramount.
Derives from the best practices and builds on top of it.
It tests Behaviour.
Types of tests and how they work with RTL:
RTL prioritizes finding elements by accessibility handles.
Read more about RTL Handles, here
Read about Aria Roles, here.
Working with a testing library actually makes you much more aware of accessibility rules.
We focus on these two methods:
render: This method creates a simulated DOM for argument components(basically telling the test to understand what we are testing against). Further, the render method allows the simulated DOM to be accessed via the screen global object. Both render and screen are part of @testing-library/react.
expect(): Part of Vitest test runner, this asserts that we are expecting this to happen.
Ex: expect(linkElement).toBeInTheDocument().This expected method is global in both Vitest and jest. linkElement is an argument(subject of the assertion).
toBeInTheDocument is a type of matcher or the assertion with which we match things. Matchers/Assertions can also contain parameters. These assertions are what will throw an error in case not matched.
Let’s start simply with testing a button, all this button will do is change colors when it is clicked. We’ll be testing this as to how an end user will be using it i.e. by clicking the button and judging the interaction in our testing DOM.
We start by making an App.test file. In this file, we will be first writing out a test case (remember the TDD way - write the test first and make functionality later).
Here we have, the code snippet to test out button functionality,
import { render, screen, fireEvent } from "@testing-library/react"
import App from "./App"
// Testing a button that will change color on click along with its text
test("button that will change color on click along with its text", () => {
//render the app
render(<App />)
//find the button
const buttonElement = screen.getByRole("button", { name: /blue/i })
//check inital color
//click the button
//check the buttontext
//check the button color
// or you can use expect(buttonElement).toHaveStyle({"background-color":"rgb(0,0,255"})
Let’s break down the different components of the above code snippet:
1. Rendering the App Component:
You start by rendering the App component using
render(<App />)
This sets up the component for testing.
2. Finding the Button Element:
Next, you locate the button element using
screen.getByRole("button", { name: /blue/i })
This query searches for a button with the name containing the word “blue”.
3. Checking Initial Color:
You verify the initial color of the button using
This assertion ensures that the button starts with the CSS class “red”.
Experience seamless collaboration and exceptional results.
4. Simulating a Click Event:
You simulate a click on the button using
This triggers any associated event handlers.
5. Checking Updated Text:
After the click, you check the updated button text using
This ensures that the button text now contains the word “red”.
6. Checking Button Color After Click:
Finally, you verify that the button color has changed to blue using
Now with our test case written, we move on to coding the component according to the above requirement;
.red { background-color:red; }
.blue{ background-color:blue; }
import React, { MouseEvent } from 'react';
import './app.css'
type ColorCode = "red" | "blue"
const App = () => {
const [buttonColor, setButtonColor] = React.useState<ColorCode>("red")
const handleOnClick = (e: MouseEvent<HTMLButtonElement>): void => {
setButtonColor((buttonColor) => buttonColor === "red" ? "blue" : buttonColor === "blue" ? "red" : buttonColor)
return (
<button className={buttonColor} onClick={handleOnClick}>{buttonColor === "blue" ? "change to red" : "change to blue"}</button>
export default App;
On running the npm test command on our terminal, we see our test ran and passed successfully;
Before moving on, please note that the Vitest is compatible with both Chai and Jest so one can use either of their dom matcher API to build conditions i.e chai.use or expect.extend API.
Let’s now veer into something that explains a fuller application of RTL;
Here we will write a login logout flow test component and its testcase. So, as described above we will follow the TDD way ( write the test case first -> Let the test fail -> write the component in accordance with the test cases writer earlier -> Now test the component and see if it passed all the test cases). Let’s get digging!
Login component flow:
We make a test file, that covers the flow from the user's point of view:
test("test for login logout flow", async () => {
render(<App />)
// Find the button and checkbox elements
const buttonElement = screen.getByRole("button", { name: /sign/i })
const checkBoxElement = screen.getByRole("checkbox")
/* Verify initial states */
// 1. Check if the portal status label is present and it says "Logged out"
expect(screen.getByText(/Logged out/i)).toBeInTheDocument()
// 2. Check if the button is disabled
// 3. Check if the checkbox is unchecked
/* Test the flow */
// 1. Click the checkbox to enable the button
// 2. Check if the button is enabled
// 3. Click the button to login
// 4. Check if the portal status label is present and it says "Logged in"
await waitFor(() => {
expect(screen.getByText(/Logged in/i)).toBeInTheDocument()
// 5. Click the button to logout
// 6. Check if the portal status label is present and it says "Logged out"
await waitFor(() => {
expect(screen.getByText(/Logged out/i)).toBeInTheDocument()
// 7. Click the checkbox to enable the button
await waitFor(() => {
// find the checkbox & check if it is unticked
const checkBoxElement1 = screen.getByRole("checkbox")
// check if button is disabled
// click to tick the checkbox
// check if button is now enabled
Note: We use fireEvent to simulate user interactions and waitFor to handle asynchronous updates to the DOM, ensuring that all expected states are checked at the appropriate times.
1. Render the Component:
1. The App component is rendered using render(<App />).
2. Find Elements:
1. The button element is found using
screen.getByRole("button", { name: /sign/i })
2. The checkbox element is found using
3. Verify Initial States:
1. Portal Status: Check if the portal status label is present and says "Logged out" using
expect(screen.getByText(/Logged out/i)).toBeInTheDocument()
2 Button State: Check if the button is disabled using
3. Checkbox State: Check if the checkbox is unchecked using
4. Test the Flow:
1. Enable Button:
1. Click the checkbox to enable the button using
2. Check if the button is enabled using
2. Login:
await waitFor(() => { expect(screen.getByText(/Logged in/i)).toBeInTheDocument() })
3. Logout:
await waitFor(() => { expect(screen.getByText(/Logged out/i)).toBeInTheDocument() })
4. Re-enable Button:
await waitFor(() => { const checkBoxElement1 = screen.getByRole("checkbox"); expect(checkBoxElement1).not.toBeChecked(); expect(buttonElement).toBeDisabled();; })
Let’s now make an empty component, App.tsx. And, now we run the above test against it.
Obviously, our test will fail now. This in essence covers what TDD philosophy says, move from red flag 🔴 (failing the test) to green flag 🟢 (passing the test).
Let’s now make our App component and green flag 🟢 (pass the test).
import React, { MouseEvent, ChangeEvent } from 'react';
type ColorCode = "red" | "blue"
const App = () => {
const [buttonColor, setButtonColor] = React.useState<ColorCode>("blue")
const [checkValue, setCheckValue] = React.useState<boolean>(false)
const handleOnClick = (e: MouseEvent<HTMLButtonElement>): void => {
if (buttonColor === "red") {
setCheckValue((checkValue) => !checkValue)
setButtonColor((buttonColor) => buttonColor === "red" ? "blue" : buttonColor === "blue" ? "red" : buttonColor)
const handleCheckBox = (e: ChangeEvent<HTMLInputElement>): void => {
if (buttonColor === 'red') {
setCheckValue((checkValue) => !checkValue)
return (
<div className="container">
<p className={`portal-label ${buttonColor === "red" ? 'logged-in-label' : "logged-out-label"}`}>Login State: {buttonColor === "red" ? "Logged In" : "Logged out"}</p>
{buttonColor !== 'red' ?
<input type="checkbox" id='checkbox' onChange={handleCheckBox} name="checkbox" checked={checkValue} /> <label htmlFor='checkbox'>I accept the Terms & Conditions of use.</label>
: null}
<button disabled={!checkValue} className={buttonColor} onClick={handleOnClick}>{buttonColor === "red" ? "Sign Out" : "Sign In"}</button>
export default App;
This above component toggles between a "logged in" and "logged out" state, represented by the button state and the checkbox state.
Experience seamless collaboration and exceptional results.
Let's now run the test using the npm test.
Voila! Our tests passed.
As we know RTL focuses on behavior and hence underpins functional testing methodology but what if we have a case where we would like to do Unit testing?
In that case, we can still use RTL but now we would skew our mental model into a boxed mindset where now the components no longer are the sole representation of the behavior but we have functions which can range from being helper functions, common functions, complex functions, etc that need standalone testing.
Generally, we do Unit testing:
PSA: For Complex functions, unit test smaller functions first, get them passed and then only do a functional test to identify the issues easily. This will help you avoid spiralling down into a cycle of bitterness and self-loathing!
Wherever we are testing our app we would be dealing with data coming from a server, this is also a significant part of behavior testing. Let's dig into what this entails w.r.t RTL.
For this, we will make a test case which renders a mock data component that makes a request to an actual server endpoint.
Our test case will cover:
1. Initial State: This verifies that the component shows a loading state initially.
2. Data Fetching: This will wait for the component to fetch and display data.
3 Final State: This will verify that the fetched data is displayed correctly.
Our DataFetcher test file is below,
import React from "react"
import { render, screen, waitFor } from "@testing-library/react"
import { vi } from "vitest"
import DataComponent from "./DataComponent"
global.fetch = vi.fn(() =>
json: () => Promise.resolve({ data: "Mocked Data" }),
describe("DataFetcher", () => {
it("displays loading initially and then fetched data", async () => {
console.log("Rendering DataComponent...")
render(<DataComponent />)
console.log("Checking if 'Loading...' is displayed...")
console.log("Waiting for the data to be fetched and displayed...")
await waitFor(() => {
console.log("Checking if 'Fetched Data' is displayed...")
expect(screen.getByText("Fetched Data")).toBeInTheDocument()
console.log("Checking if 'Mocked Data' is displayed...")
expect(screen.getByText("Mocked Data")).toBeInTheDocument()
Our Simple Data Fetcher react component file
import React, { useState, useEffect } from 'react';
const DataComponent: React.FC = () => {
const [data, setData] = useState<string | null>(null);
const [loading, setLoading] = useState<boolean>(true);
useEffect(() => {
const fetchData = async () => {
try {
const response = await fetch('');
const result = await response.json();
} catch (error) {
console.error('Error fetching data:', error);
} finally {
}, []);
if (loading) {
return <div>Loading...</div>;
return (
<h1>Fetched Data</h1>
export default DataComponent;
Now, Let’s run the test against this component using npm test command.
The test passed.
This way of testing is fine for testing smaller apps but for larger and more complex apps or a case where we don’t want an actual backend server, there we would want to use something called Mock Service Workers.
Mock Service Workers (MSW) are tools used to intercept and mock network requests in web applications. They provide a way to simulate server responses without needing an actual backend server. This is particularly useful for testing, development, and debugging at scale. MSWs are very helpful to:
In this discussion of mocks, there is this polarizing topic i.e., the discussion of why not use Sinon, jest or other mocks v/s why we need to test using mock service workers.
Ground Rule: for simple apps, mocking could work, but MSW provides lots of tools for more complicated apps.
// Good: Testing user interaction'Submit'));
expect(screen.getByText('Thank you!')).toBeInTheDocument();
// Bad: Testing implementation details
// Good: Testing behavior
expect(screen.getByText('Modal Content')).toBeInTheDocument();
// Good: Simple and readable test
test('displays a thank you message after form submission', () => {
render(<MyComponent />);'Submit'));
expect(screen.getByText('Thank you!')).toBeInTheDocument();
// Good: Testing for accessibility
const submitButton = screen.getByRole('button', { name: /submit/i });
React Testing Library (RTL) has revolutionized the way we approach testing in React applications. By emphasizing user-centric testing practices, RTL ensures that our tests are more reliable, maintainable, and reflective of real-world usage. Its API is intuitive and encourages best practices, making it easier for developers to write meaningful tests that focus on what the user experiences rather than the implementation details.
As we continue to build complex and interactive web applications. React Testing Library, with its focus on accessibility and user interactions, provides a powerful toolset to achieve this goal. By adopting RTL, developers can ensure that their applications are not only functional but also provide a seamless and accessible experience for all users.
Over the past few years, Vitest has become the fastest-growing test framework in the JavaScript world, with millions of downloads each week. While being the default test runner for Vite certainly helps its popularity, Vitest stands out on its own merits. It provides a modern alternative to Jest that is faster, easier to configure, and still uses the familiar Jest API.
Vitest 2.0 continues this trend with a major new feature called Browser Mode, which brings a fresh approach to component testing with features like No more “fake DOM”, Unified Tooling and bridging the gap and being in this sweet spot between e2e testing and unit testing. As a newsletter remarked,“ it’s a Vite world, and we’re all just living in it ”.
Suggested Reads- Test Environment in Software Testing
RTL focuses on testing user interactions and behavior rather than implementation details. It uses accessibility markers to find elements, making tests more robust and encouraging accessible component design.
TDD with RTL involves writing tests before code, ensuring components meet user needs from the start. This approach leads to more maintainable code and helps developers focus on creating user-friendly features.
RTL can test server responses by mocking fetch requests. For more complex scenarios, developers can use Mock Service Workers (MSW) to intercept and simulate network requests without needing an actual backend server.